Something about Mary Who am I?

She’s my Queen…and yours

Today is the Queenship of Mary. Seven years ago today was the last day of our Lourdes pilgrimage! I can hardly believe it was that long ago.

Before leaving for Lourdes I remember being in front of a picture of Our Lady of Fatima with her golden crown. I looked at her and wondered how the humble Jewish girl that i read about came to be depicted like that. I always had sense of her power over evil (crushing satan’s head underfoot) and I had just come to a loving awe over for her as the Mother of God–the God-bearer! But I guess i didn’t understand her as Queen of Heaven and her role in my life–why did i need to have devotion to her? Does it detract from Jesus? I looked at her and said something like “i want to get to know who you are and i want to truly love you”

It all became clear to me in Lourdes, or rather God the Holy Spirit made it clear to me. Mary leads to Jesus. I came to love Jesus more than ever–in a place dedicated to Mary! That made her so lovable to me.

I had been learning about the “law” of humility…to serve is to reign, the last shall be first! St. Bernadette was humble and suffered humiliations in this life. In the next, she experiences the exaltation of heaven–she’s a Saint! The Virgin was the most humble servant of God from the yes of the Annunciation to the yes of the Cross of her Son. She was the most humble next to Jesus to ever walk the face the earth! It would be entirely fitting for her to be so highly elevated–duh! of course! And if the following Scripture is true for us, how much more for her?

“I will give the victor the right to sit with me on my throne, as I myself first won the victory and sit with my Father on his throne”

-Rev. 3:21 (USCCB)

And since i alluded to suffering:

‘no cross, no crown’

In Lourdes I experienced for myself that Our Lady is Mother and a Queen! I wanted it to be an efficaciously lasting reminder…so I consecrated myself to Mary–I gave her everything.

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