Cloud of Witnesses Defending the Faith

St. Albert Magnus!

Who says that science disproves religion? Or that the Church is opposed to science? They obviously don’t know who St. Albert the Great is.

St. Albert, one of the first natural scientists, wrote extensively on astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, geography, geology, metaphysics, physics and physiology (human and animal). That’s a lot of science! He used the empirical method of collecting data from observing nature.

Teaching theology was something he loved especially.

All of what St. Albert learned and taught was at the service of the Church. He took the philosophy of Aristotle and utilized it to teach Christian truths. He showed that faith and reason are perfectly complimentary (as did his student St. Thomas Aquinas). This is the Middle Ages we’re talking about!

The greatest scientist—a Catholic Saint! St Albert, a Dominican priest and later a bishop, is a Doctor of the Church.

St. Albert Magnus, pray for us!


So the stronger and the more vehement our faith in God is, and the more reverently and persistently it is offered up to God, the more surely, the more abundantly and the quicker what we hoped for will be accomplished and obtained.


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