I wrote this yesterday…
January 1st is the Feast of the Mother of God. It’s a good thing ’cause I’ll need her help keep my new year resolutions. What a blessing to be Catholic–these feasts are Divinely laid out, no question.
“Mother of God” That’s deep. God has a mother!? I remember when i first began to ponder those words I’d always taken for granted. “Mother of God”. Everything the Church teaches about the Blessed Virgin Mary is based on the fact that she is the Mother of God.
Quite simply: Jesus is a Divine Person–God. Jesus had a mother. Therefore His mother can be rightly called the Mother of God. A created woman bore God in her womb and birthed Him, nursed Him and even, even changed His diapers–He Who always existed! She gave Him a face. To deny that Mary is the Mother of God is to deny that Jesus is God. Therefore all Marian dogma and doctrine uphold truth about Christ!
She beheld the Creator of Universe in the Child she bore.
Whom shepherds humbly now adore.
Messiah Lord on the cold cave floor.
Mystery great reflected, in her heart she stores.
Virgin Mother bring us to Him! now and forevermore.
May the Mother of God help us live the reality that gives meaning to every year, week, day, minute, second, etc:
“When the time had fully come God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” (Gal. 4:4)