Holy Week was 7 days. It’s Easter for 8 days! Lent was 40 days. The Easter Season lasts for 50!
The hour of darkness gives way to the eternal day of Light!
We went to the Easter Vigil at the Shrine for the Son rise. The immense darkness was dispelled as the fire from one candle lit up the candles of everyone in the church! The one candle, the pascal candle, represents Christ our Light! That the whole world might be illumined through us! The first disciples of Jesus sought to do just that…and they made more disciples…
For 50 days the Church will read the Acts of the Apostles. The heart of their message? ” God raised this Jesus; of this we are all witnesses.” Jesus, whom they lived with, the One Who called Himself the Resurrection and the Life, was seen alive after dying–therefore “death is swallowed up in victory”, “because it was impossible for him to be held by it.”
“He is risen as He said!”
As for us, our belief in the Resurrection should change the way we live and interact…our whole outlook on life…the future of eternity with God overflowing into the present. And The Light will radiate…
Happy Easter!
1. Acts 2:32
2. 1 Corinthians 15: 54
3. Acts 2:24
4. Matthew 28:6
Great post! Rejoice, the King is truly risen, Alleluia!
Yesterday was so much fun!!!!