“He loved me and gave Himself for me”
He loved us to the end…He Who is Love Himself. He loved us to death, even death on a Cross. “Love is stronger than death”
Yesterday was Good Friday. We all live Good Friday in varying degrees if we suffer with Jesus. The Christians of Iraq are truly living Good Friday every day. When we suffer with Jesus we become “co-redeemers” with Him, we can offer our sufferings to alleviate the sufferings of others. Then we will be living out the commandment He gave us on the night before He died: “love one another as I have loved you”. He gave us His own Body to be our food, our strength, our very heart… to love as does. If we suffer with Jesus, nailed to the Cross with Him, we will rise with Jesus, glorified with Him. There is no Easter Sunday without Good Friday.
Our Lady is here with us…let us wait with Her for the Son rise. Something to think about today, an article that my sister wrote for the Catholic Herald: