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R.I.P. my godbrother.

Yesterday was the funeral of my godbrother. He was suffering with a mental illness for quite some time and committed suicide. I know that God had mercy on his soul because the illness minimized the culpability of his actions. At the funeral i was truly affected by a movie put together with pictures spanning his 36 years of life. I was reminded of how, growing up, he was an older brother. I got the chance to express this publicly at the grave site. Now, i am not known for speaking like this at any gathering and a few years ago it would be unthinkable for me to do so…but i just had to. It was the Holy Spirit. No question.

Later as i reflected, my presence at the funeral was not accidental. I was there to give courage to others to speak out as well. It was Jesus Christ who manifested through me…somehow it was He they ‘saw’.

The funeral was duringĀ  EasterĀ  Week and so close to Divine Mercy Sunday–i felt a peaceful hope for all present at the funeral. He allowed this suffering in order to somehow bring a greater good out of it. The full extent of it will all be revealed one day.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Milton Gomes and for his family.

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