
St. Rita Movie on EWTN (5/22-23)

Just a quick heads up — last minute I know — an Italian film (2004) on St. Rita will be on EWTN tonight, her feast day ( Thursday, 5/22) and tomorrow night ( Friday, 5/23) at 10 PM Eastern. The actress who plays Rita is quite lovely and looks kind of like Michelle Pfeiffer. Perhaps incentive enough to watch.

Rita does take liberties, adding and subtracting minor details, but it gets the job done in telling her life.

Briefly, St. Rita of Casica (1386-1457) lost her husband and their twin sons at a relatively young age, devoted her life to the cause of peace and entered an Augustine convent (under miraculous circumstances). St. Rita experienced practically every stage of life! For the last 15 years of her life she experienced a chronic thorn wound on her forehead — a wound from the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ. St. Rita is the patron saint he thinksof hopeless cases

When I rented Rita on Netflix i had an advantage because I saw it in Italian with English subtitles — the dubbed English track will be used for on TV and it’s kind of corny.

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