May is Mary’s month…so you know that i’ll be posting alot! There’s a thread at with daily devotions to give Our Lady. And I’m thinking about having one of those blog carnival things…posts on Mother Mary from all over the blogosphere.
Today May 1 is a National Day of Prayer, May Day and the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker…and the Solemnity of the Assumption, this year, falls on today (but not in the Ecclesiastical Provinces of the U.S. where the Bishops moved it to Sunday).
I think it is great that Pope Pius XII instituted the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker on May 1 in response to the Communist May Day. This day honors and upholds the dignity of work and workers whose Patron St. Joseph. Work is an integral part of being human…everybody works in some way…St. Paul said: “If any one will not work, let him not eat.” (2 Thes. 3:10). Working is imitating God. St. Joseph was a model worker.
It’s fitting that this Feastday is in the Month of the Virgin Mary. My last post was on Consecration to Mary…St. Joseph was perfectly to Consecrated to Mary, his Virgin Wife and through her he was all the more Consecrated to Jesus! All of St. Joseph’s latter work was offered through Mary to Jesus.
May St. Joseph teach us to love Mary more than ever and to do everything for her that we might do it all for Him!
By the way, I wonder why pilots shout “mayday!” over the intercom when their planes are in imminent danger of going down? Maybe somebody could enlighten me via comment?
According to wikipedia… not the most trustworthy source, but I think I might buy this one…