The Bishop dressed in white was understood by the three children to be the Pope. This was the third secret at Fatima as revealed officially in the year 2000 by Pope John Paul II. It was understood and interpreted by the Vatican to be an account of the assassination attempt. Shortly after he was shot, the pope asked to read the third secret. This and the subsequent placing of the bullet into the crown of our Lady of Fatima make sense in light of the official interpretation. His entire papacy was under the protection of our Lady—his papal motto was “Totus Tuus” ( I’m all yours and all that I have is yours”). This comes from True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis to Monfort who wrote extensively consecration to Jesus through Mary. He read this book in his native Poland—ravaged by godless Nazis and Communists. The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe was in no small part due to John Paul II himself. And it is believed that Acga was hired by the KGB to shoot the Pope. Russia was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary under the pontificate of JPII. The third secret makes sense to me.
I’ve focused more on Our Lady of Fatima and Pope John Paul II on the series of posts. There is so much more that I could have wrote about– Our Lady of Fatima and Islam for instance (which I hope to write about sometime soon). Today on this first Saturday which is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary I just want to say that her beautiful, pure, Immaculate heart is the place to be from here to eternity.
Our Lady of Fatima pray for us!
PS: I heard great sermon on the Immaculate heart of Mary, Pope JPII, the children of Fatima that he Beatified and current events desecrating the sanctity of marriage– check it out: