Cloud of Witnesses Who am I?

St. Monica and my mother

St. Monica reminds me a lot of my mom…

St. Monica was a strong holy woman who persisted in prayer until her two sons and her bad-tempered husband converted. And they did. We honor her son St. Augustine tomorrow.

She is a great example of a Christian mother, always looking out for her children’s well-being…especially their eternal well-being.

My mom planted seeds of faith in my sister and i… How evident it was today! My sister just left for the Holy Land and when she returns she is going to enter the Convent of the Sisters of Life!

I told mom today that St. Monica should be her Patron Saint.

St. Monica pray for us and all mothers!

Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her

-Proverbs 31:28

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