+ September 5th, Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta +
Blessed Mother Teresa was a devout believer and a follower of Jesus Christ. The work she did was not done on her own strength. She did not want to be called a social worker. It’s the love of Christ that impelled her and grace that enabled her to do what she did.
Mother Teresa encouraged Eucharistic Adoration. When asked how many homes that the sisters had, mother would refer to the homes as tabernacles. She recognized Jesus in the Eucharist without Whom she could not recognize Him in the poorest of the poor.
He is the Life that I want to live,
He is Light that I want to radiate.
He is the Way to the Father.
He is the Love with which I want to love.
He is the Joy that I want to share.
He is the Peace that I want to sow.
Jesus is Everything to me.
Without Him, I can do nothing.-Bl. Mother Teresa