Uncategorized Blazes Who am I?

He Sympathizes With Us

God knows what we all go through.  He lived our life taking it up into himself.  That means that he even suffered, wept and died–in order to ultimately take “the sting” out of it, to destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the Devil, and free those who through fear of death had been subject to slavery all their life. He sympathizes with us when we suffer.  Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested. (Hebrews chapter 2)

We also know that God brings good out of all things, suffering included. But sometimes we wonder why he allows it when we don’t see how good could come out of it. It stunned me to learn, just yesterday, that someone from our prayer group, who once visited me when I was sick, died after giving birth to a premature baby. She leaves behind the baby and her husband of about two years. Hearing this tragic news a week after good friends lost their twins was truly devastating. What to think? How can we understand? At times like these Jesus responds, answering us with a question of his own: “Do you still love me? Do you still believe that I AM here, that i sympathize?”

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