Cloud of Witnesses

St. John Bosco!

Today is the feast day of St. John Bosco!

Don Bosco, as he was affectionately called, ministered to the at-risk and abandoned youth of the streets of Turin, Italy during the industrial revolution. He befriended them and won their respect because of the love with which he treated them. Most of these kids were utterly neglected by society. Don Bosco established schools for their education, spiritual formation and learning of trades. He founded the Salesians, an order of priests, brothers and lay cooperators to continue his inspired work of winning souls for Christ.

The Salesians are based on the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales—see my thread from last week. My father was educated by Salesians in their minor seminary and beyond in West Bengal, India. So my family is connected to the Salesians!

In honor of St. John Bosco, here are two posts by Salesian priest blogger, Fr. Steve:

Happy Feast of St. John Bosco

Celebration of 150th anniversary of the founding of the Salesian Congregation to be opened shortly

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