Cloud of Witnesses

St. Thomas the Apostle!

Today is/was the Feast of St. Thomas. It is special for me because my middle name is Thomas and I am of Indian descent— St. Thomas is believed to gone to India to spread the kingdom of God. It’s only fitting that the former doubter of Christ’s Resurrection would be chosen to go somewhere like India. I can only imagine what he could have said to the Indian people that he encountered:

” I come to tell you about the only God and to tell you to believe in His Son Jesus Christ one in being with Him, He became a man and died on a Cross to set the world free from slavery to death. You see, I have beheld him with my own eyes and touched him with my own hands. I saw him risen from the dead—he was dead but now he lives forever—I touched his pierced hands with my own fingers. Believe. When i heard of it I doubted. I believe now because I have seen but the Lord said to me–‘Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.’ And so I say the same to you today”

St. Thomas, pray for us!

I believe. May the Lord help my unbelief.

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