Cloud of Witnesses

St. Lawrence the deacon and martyr

Hey so it is the feast of St. Lawrence today. I remember the story of his martyrdom from those little books on the lives of the Saints. St. Lawrence, a Roman deacon, was martyred during the persecutions of the pagan Roman Emperor Valerian during the third century. after they put to death the pope, Pope Sixtus, the Emperor’s prefect confronted Lawrence and demanded that he had over the Churches treasures. On the appointed day, Lawrence gathered together the poor and the lepers and the disabled and presented them—“here are the treasures of the Church!” As the worldly man cannot understand this concept, St. Lawrence was strapped down to a gridiron over a furnace. The great thing about St. Lawrence besides his love for God and neighbor was his sense of humor even unto death. While the torturers stoked the flames, St. Lawrence quipped “Turn me over, I’m done on this side”.

St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr, pray for us!

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