English 101 is history! This past Friday I submitted my last assignment, a portfolio of some of the essays and writings that i have completed in the past 15 weeks. The class was a very exhausting, but I do not regret taking it. I’ve learned a lot about myself as a writer. The last essay I wrote was an argument paper against stem cell research using human embryos. It was an opportunity to make a case for adult stem cell research. I have learned much about successful treatments using adult stem cells… recent medical advancements show a lot of promise in treating several diseases and conditions. The paper is quite extensive… I can’t believe I ended up writing an eight page essay. I’m pleased to say that I got an ‘A’ on it. I hope to link it to the blog.
Christmas is in three days. While I have just begun to enter into the anticipation, Advent, I have been longing for Christmas for some time now… “would that God rend the heavens and come down!” I will be back to share what I am trying to get at…