Uncategorized Blazes

Live in the Light…

I was in an online Bible study yesterday with a friend from Phatmass. During the course of our study, we agreed that the world is immersed in darkness and life itself can seem a bit dark; however, we were filled with the assurance that, “the Light shines in darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”  There is always at least a glimmer shining through what seems to be a hopeless situation.  It’s no coincidence that yesterday was the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ, a feast also known as Candlemas. 40 days after his birth,  Our Lord’s parents brought him to the Temple at Jerusalem to be dedicated to God.  The Lord entered his own Temple and revealed himself as the Light come into the world to illuminate it. Sharing in our humanity, God reveals to us that he is with us; we are never alone; He is our High Priest who knows what it is to suffer and he sympathizes with us.

Here is today’s meditation by Fr. K  about Candlemas and today’s feast day of St. Blaise—whose name sounds like blaze:

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