Uncategorized Blazes


We’re just about fed up of snow around here. There’s more than 2 feet of that stuff outside! I’ve never seen so much in my life. Our area got hit pretty bad; now it’s snowing again. They’re referring to the situation as ‘snowmaggedon’ and ‘snowpocalypse.’  It’s not that unwarranted.

Snow is difficult to deal with. Saturday morning, our electricity went out—and wouldn’t you know it, the generator wouldn’t kick in. For people on ventilators, that’s pretty catastrophic. My wheelchair ventilator only has about 12 hours of battery power. Some neighbors tried to troubleshoot the generator and circuit breakers, to no avail. The generator eventually started running but the power wasn’t flowing into the house. In the meantime, I was not freaking out too much… actually, by the grace of God,  I was very calm. We called a neighborhood maytag repairman and 911. Two EMT guys showed up followed by our repairman neighbor who took care of the problem. What a relief that  I didn’t have to go to the hospital to be hooked up to a power source.  I thank God for that– as well as for the fact that my night nurse,  a former Marine corp soldier, comes equipped to stay with us for a few days.  I shudder to think what others, especially the elderly and infirm, have to go through.

I just saw on the news that 4000 people are still without power! What a mess. Please pray for us.

By the way, we didn’t have cable on Sunday but we still got to see the Saints win their first Superbowl, thanks to a cousin’s digital box.

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