(Yesterday the Christmas Season came to a close with the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. The Christmas Feasts celebrated the manifestations of God dwelling on earth to shepherds, wisemen (Magi), and all of humanity!)
The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord reminds me of who I am.
When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the river Jordan, the sky opened, a dove descended upon Jesus, and a voice was heard saying, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Several things have happened in this scene: The Son of God humbly identified himself with sinners by undergoing John’s baptism; Jesus was annointed priest, prophet, and king; the Trinity has been manifested—-the Father of the Son, and the Holy Spirit between them both; and the waters of sacramental baptism have been prepared.
When I was baptized, I was clothed with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit began to dwell in me, and the Eternal Father said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” I became a son of God through grace at baptism. And this is why Jesus came: The Son of God became a son of man so that a son of man might become a son of God. Jesus Christ is the Christmas gift. The only worthy gifts I have to give him are things that he himself has given to me: The ability to give adoration and glory to God with my entire life and entire being.
The feast of the Baptism of our Lord is the day to begin unpacking our Divine Christmas Gift. We need to make use of our Present (pun intended) by living Jesus’ threefold ministry according to our state of life. All the baptized must continually put on the heart and mind of Christ, to interiorize his prayer life (prophetic), and to offer our works, joy, and sufferings to the Father through Jesus (priestly). In short, we must to become Jesus in the world around us by using our gift to the full; and this entails recognizing* our royal dignity as children of God! If I am a son of God, and I am, it’s time I started living like one.
(*by praying, spending time with the Father who loves us as no father can.)