The word stigmata is used to refer to the imprints of the 5 crucifixion wounds of Jesus Christ bestowed upon chosen individuals. St. Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Pio of Pietrelcina, among others, were known to have this divine gift. By the way, there was a really lame movie called Stigmata some years ago that had nothing to do with the authentic phenomenon, namely that of of Christ sharing visible marks of his crucifixion with some of his devout followers. St. Francis of Assisi was the first known stigmatist and today’s the day when his Franciscan order commemorates when he received the five wounds of Christ on his person: I’m pretty sure I posted on account of how this happened… please search for it. Right now, I guess I just wanted to share something in light of my previous post.. when one suffers from anything at all, in union with the crucified Christ, one bares the wound marks of Jesus in one’s body in another way; The stigmata reminds us all of this fact.