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Scary stuff… not really

It’s been a while since I posted anything so I better get on with it…

Last week I went to the ER because I had what they found to be bronchitis. Thank God it was only a six-hour ordeal. It wasn’t too bad because my good nurse accompanied me and my parents… good thing that there was a TV that carried the 80s music choice channel. Even though it was around 5:30 AM I was only too happy to hear that I didn’t have to be admitted. So I’m taking the last of the antibiotics Today.

I can’t believe that those occupying protesters are still at it… I think the whole thing is misguided and fairly ridiculous not to mention a complete wastage. These revolutions are all over the place… pretty scary plight that the world is in right now. And we have to hear the horrendous political banter of presidential wannabes on top of that (how come none of them have ideas about how to maintain the human dignity of illegal immigrants… shameful).

The Redskins total ineptitude to win games is also pretty scary but I don’t want to have nightmares so I will not talk about that. Neither will I say anything more about my being kind of under the weather lately. Just pray dear readers, just pray.

So it is All Hallows Eve tonight. Too bad so many people don’t know that it’s actually a Christian holiday. There’s no need to fear when you have the light that illuminates everything.  Tonight is the night before All Saints Day… the saints are those who made it, they had to face all the terror of their day but they overcame evil by the power of the One that kicked satan and death in the pants. All you holy men and women please pray for us and give us courage!!!

2 thoughts on “Scary stuff… not really”

  1. To Harold Re. Prayers to Christ Unborn:

    I saw an EWTN program from last year (Fr. Groeschel’s show with Mother Agnes Donovan, who had previously expressed the need to spread to devotion to Christ in the womb via the Annunciation as the feast of Christ’s conception) in which you called in asking if there were any prayers to spread devotion to the unborn Christ. There are at least two — the “Prayer to Christ Unborn” I wrote nearly ten years ago to promote the March 25 Annunciation (nine months before Christmas) that can be found at http://www.dayoftheunbornchild.com (text included below) — and another author has written the longer “Litany of the Unborn Christ Child” at http://www.unbornwordalliance.com/litany_eng.htm — both prayers have been used at our local pro-life events here in the Buffalo, NY diocese. You might want to pass this info along to your sister and Mother Agnes. You might also read John Saward’s “Redeemer in the Womb.”

    I agree with you on Halloween — at this time of the year I make pumpkin envelope seals with the following info to put on all my mailings:
    Hallowe’en: contraction of
    All Hallows Even’
    (All Holy Eve)=Evening before
    All Saints Day/Allhallowmas

    Here is the text of “Prayer to Christ Unborn”

    Dear Lord Jesus in the womb
    of Blessed Virgin Mary,
    before your birth You filled
    the unborn Baptist
    with the joy of the Holy Spirit.
    Inspire us to see You
    in every unborn child.
    Grant us the perseverance
    to defend vulnerable human life
    from abortion, abandonment,
    experimentation, and all violations.
    Fill us with reverence for the moment
    of your Incarnation in Nazareth
    when the Word became flesh.

    Celebrate the March 25th Feast of the Annunciation
    (Festum Incarnationis; Conceptio Christi)
    once celebrated as New Year’s Day
    now the “Day of the Unborn Child”
    Lk 1:15, 30-44; ’94 Cat., pass. 717, 486, 495

    God Bless you and your sister,
    Kelly G. Smith

    1. Kelly, I apologize if i never responded to your comment. Thank you for sharing those prayers, especially the one you composed. I’m praying them these last few days of Advent. Let us pray for one another as we prepare to welcome our Infant God. Peace to you.

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