True story: Last week i had just finished a thick three paragraph post and was just about to hit “publish” when I got distracted by the TV, or more specifically by that newsgirl Alyona of the Alyona Show, whose looks are a whole lot better than her political views; before I knew it, i forgot i was dictating and said something—my dictation software wrote irrecoverably over everything on the page. Anyway, its high time I get more serious about writing–so much is going on in the world, I would be remiss not to comment. For example, I have said nothing of all the controversy revolving around the Health and Human Services Mandate to require Catholic institutions to cover things like contraception, sterilization, and abortifacient drugs under their health care plans. This is definitely an infringement of the First Amendment and I think that the recent decision by Catholic television network EWTN to sue the federal government illustrates why:
EWTN upholds the immorality of birth control on its airwaves how then could they pay for these things for its employees. And so, EWTN has naturally sued the federal government for the violation of his conscience… more from the president on this issue live as I speak.
No Mr. President, this is not enough. The compromise is flawed. So now, the insurance companies have the burden to cover contraception, but who pays the insurance companies?