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33 Days to Morning Glory: Mercy and Mary

I’m reading Fr. Michael Gaitley MIC’s book on 33 day preparation for Marian Consecration, 33 Days to Morning Glory, from now to the end of May. The format is a bit different, each week features the Marian spirituality of a different holy person. Even though I’ve already made my consecration and continue to renew it every November, it’s definitely worth reading this book to renew my consecration on the Feast of the Visitation. Father Michael has a lot of great insights. (Btw, here is a post about Consecration to Jesus through Mary and St. Louis de Montfort whose feast day it is today)

The mission given in baptism is to become saints, and in these desperate latter times, we are to become great saints. It is possible for this to happen, just as there is an Immaculate Conception. She is the greatest saint, and there will be no saint greater than she; and yet, we need to realize that her incomparable holiness at conception was a pure gift to her. The graces that we need to become great saints are free gifts to us, they are all acts of the mercy of God. The ultimate act of mercy was when God died upon the cross. And it was upon the cross that Jesus gave us his mother to be our mother.

When the side of Jesus was pierced, the depths of his mercy were outpoured, making it possible to share in the Divine Life as children of God. These graces of mercy enable us to grow up into Jesus, which is the essence of great sanctity. Cooperation with grace consists in loving God and neighbor, and thus has the effect of satiating the thirst for charity that Christ had upon the Cross. It occurs to me that Jesus looks down at his mother, giving her to beloved disciples (represented by St. John), right before crying out, “I Thirst.” Jesus wanted his mother to bear discipless—an army—to address his thirst! (I’m pretty sure Fr. Michael makes the same conclusion).

If we are children of God, brothers of Jesus, then Mary is our Mother. All children need a mother; and just as Mother Mary fed, nourished, and brought up Jesus Christ, she is to feed, nourish and bring us up til we attain to the full stature of Jesus Christ. Fielding potential objections like St. Louis de Montfort does, Fr. Michael notes in his introduction that since the Holy Spirit sanctifies us, Mother Mary nurtures us through her union to him.

It is by the Providence of God that we have our two weapons of Mercy and Mary. Before ending this post, it’s worth sharing that on Divine Mercy Sunday, my ventilator had a technical difficulty (manual error) and today, the Feast of St. Louis de Monfort who gave us his masterful work, True Devotion to Mary in which he teaches Marian consecration, and who inspired me to read 33 Days to Morning Glory right on time.

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