I was just listening to Father Robert Barron’s homily for the Solemnity of the Epiphany. The main point of his words was that the wise men were Magi–religious scientists who laid their science down at the feet of the Creator. It’s historical fact that objective religious faith, that is, belief that holds that the universe to be a distinct creation of God and that the universe is intelligible, is a stepping stool for scientific advancement. Why is this so? Those who worship the universe cannot apply the scientific method to it. Throughout history, Christian scientists made substantial contributions to science, such as the Big Bang theory. Religion and science are not opposed; science needs religion. And religion needs science. Science is at the service of God because he’s the one that created everything that is visible and observable by science. The source of science is God. And so, the Magi, by their adoration of the Christ Child, provide the example of science ordered towards God.