It almost feels as if the zombie apocalypse is upon us and the sky is falling. Everything seems so dark and silent. Everything has changed in such a short amount of time and nothing will ever be the same. There are a lot of things that we could be anxious about right now. I’m concerned about the havoc that the coronavirus is wreaking, especially the suffering and death caused around the world because of it. About more than 6000 people have died in Italy, probably about double then in China where the first cases occurred. Anyway, it must be taken seriously in order to be eliminated. Every precaution must be taken, social distancing – – a term I’ve never heard before – – is crucial. Social media distancing might be a good thing as well, avoiding all this news about the catastrophe. Well maybe in moderation because it’s so important to know what’s going on, and of course there are so many great things happening through the availability of live streamed prayers, above all, the Holy Mass.
There is hope and light amidst the darkness. I truly believe that incredibly great things will come forth from this, which I will try to elaborate on later, God willing. Today is the Solemnity of the Annunciation and I was compelled to share a few words about it on Facebook, so I share them here as well:
The suffering and deaths of people around the world due to the coronavirus really brings the value of life to focus. Today, March 25, is the great solemnity of the Annunciation when Life itself, through whom we have life, was conceived in the womb of 1 of his creatures. Because Mary said yes, Jesus came into the world to share in our humanity, to live among us, to suffer with us and lift us up that we might share in his Divinity. Even though it looks dark, there is light because the Light shone – – and shines no matter what.
I also recorded a short video clip even though it goes against my nature as painfully introverted! Will add it here as an update…