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The difficulty of missing Christmas Mass and solidarity with the baby Jesus, God with us.

It is December 24, Christmas eve. The last few days have been bitter cold. The prospects of going to Christmas Mass have shifted from “not very likely” to “impossible.” I have used you not being able to go to Holy Mass in the winter. But is especially different on Christmas.

I get very cold easily. Muscular fee and being on a ventilator makes it very difficult for me to go outside. The disease be especially formidable dependent. The disease therefore gives me a way of entering into Christmas.

Ponder the Divine Essence, the Uncaused Cause of existence, the One who is Being Itself, the God of everything that is. Ponder the same God desiring to come amongst his creation, to be found within it, substantially, tangibly, truly as a creature, a little human baby. A four normal and helpless. He freely choose this condition. Wake up

He chose to become defenseless.

He is Manual, God with us. He is “I AM with you, for you.” And, “if God is for us, who can possibly come against us?”

He knows the other point you pick because he experienced it

he says to not be afraid, come to me, I will you. See, I have made myself into a little child for you.? Who can resist one a little baby? Helpless, defenseless, serving in the cold. He has made himself stupid on a man and a woman. He needs them to take care of him. He needs them.

Seems that the best way to go to him is to the question for Mary his, just came to us. In fact she wants this of us. I was extremely

in prayer I asked the Blessed Mother to prepare me to receive the gift of the Christ Child. Last night, I asked her for her dispositions. She was, as St. Louis says, the only one who was worthy to receive the gift of the Fathers only begotten. It seems more than fitting then to ask to make us ready to receive the gift of Jesus as she received him. And, in receiving the gift of Jesus, we have him dwelling in us and our enabled to become gifts to others, the gift of Jesus to others.

It is Christmas Eve as I write this message. The prospect of going to Christmas Mass, whether in a few hours at midnight, or tomorrow in the midmorning, is now simply impossible for me. I am used to not being able to go to Holy Mass on occasion, and most recently I joined with everyone else in not being able to go during the quarantine. Still, it is difficult. It is even more difficult to have to miss Mass on December 25. God knows that I would like to go and rejoice in the birth of Christ, who has become very dear to me in the past years..

The reason why I cannot go is because it is bitter cold outside. Because my health is compromised due to having Duchenne muscular dystrophy, it is not safe for me to go outside in temperatures below freezing. Being vent dependent pretty much seals the deal for not being able to go anywhere in such cold weather, let alone in the snow and ice. The disease, as I think about it, brings home the very meaning and essence of Christmas.

Ponder this with me if you will: the divine essence, the one through whom all things were created, the very one who holds all in existence chooses to enter into his creation and to be found within it. God, the very source and act of being itself, becomes a dependent, vulnerable, and tiny little human baby. He does this to dwell amongst his creatures as one of them, and, seeing the miserable state in which they are reduced, comes to rescue them from the corruption of sin and death. He becomes man, sharing in his human nature, so that man might share in his divine nature, so that man might become like God. To do this, he is conceived and born of one of his creatures, the holy and immaculate Virgin Mary, after asking her consent. The Son of God and God himself, becomes completely and totally helpless and dependent on her and on Joseph, the man the Father has chosen to be the earthly father of his Eternal Son.

Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. He is “I AM with you, and for you.” And “if God is for us,” writes St. Paul, “who can come against us?” Therefore, in consideration of all of the above, Jesus, the little baby in the manger, is in solidarity with us. He knows what it is to shed tears, to cry, to get hurt, to be cold, to be vulnerable, and to be dependent on human parents. He knows what I, and all people who experience suffering, ( that would be everyone reading this), go through. In a particular way, he shares in my own personal helplessness and vulnerability. He strengthens me in my dependency on others. I am in good company with God himself.
He is with me and I am with him. He wants me to know that I am not alone in anything that I go through because he has gone through it first. And is this not love, to be where the friend is, to be where one’s beloved is?

God becomes a baby in order to be loved in return. Who can resist loving a baby? God becomes irresistible. “Come to me, do not fear, I am one of you, I am helpless, I cannot move. Won’t you come and pick me up take me in your arms?” This is what he seems to be saying to us through cries and baby noises. Can such a poor and wonderful child be denied of the outpouring of our hearts?

As for me, I ask him to take me as I am with my poverty and nothingness. My suffering, that of not being able to go to Christmas – – may it be a comfort and consolation to him as he lies in the manger.

These are some reflections I share with everyone, especially with those for whom this season is a difficult one. Please know that you are not alone; You are infinitely loved. Merry Christmas. Rejoice because the restoration of all things has already begun.

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