Defending the Faith


The great Feastday of Easter or Pascha is so great that it is a day that lasts for a whole week. It is an echo of Heaven, the day that lasts forever. I’ve been feasting by checking out videos posted by friends and listening to music on YouTube…  however,  I tend to get carried away, …

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Defending the Faith

The Pope rocks

February 22 is the Feast of the Chair of Peter; the feast honors the gift of the Papacy. Please free the following article about the biblical basis for the Office of the Papacy:

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Defending the Faith

Catechism Quotes: Assumption

Some quotes about the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Catechism of the Catholic Church: 966 “Finally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen …

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Defending the Faith Something about Mary

Queenship of Mary!

Today is the Queen-ship of Our Blessed Mother. Eight years ago today was the last day of our family pilgrimage to Lourdes. Leading up to Lourdes, I was looking at a picture of Our Lady crowned as Queen. I understood with my heart and my mind that she was Mother and Advocate…but Queen? Is that …

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