The great Feastday of Easter or Pascha is so great that it is a day that lasts for a whole week. It is an echo of Heaven, the day that lasts forever. I’ve been feasting by checking out videos posted by friends and listening to music on YouTube… however, I tend to get carried away, …
Category: Defending the Faith
The Pope rocks
February 22 is the Feast of the Chair of Peter; the feast honors the gift of the Papacy. Please free the following article about the biblical basis for the Office of the Papacy:
Love in the Heart of the Church
Today is the feastday of St. Therese. St. Therese desired to do so many things for Christ. As she put it in one of her writings addressed to Jesus: To be Your Spouse, to be a Carmelite, and by my union with You to be the Mother of souls, should not this suffice me? And …
Don’t Mess with Our Lady’s Image
In this morning I found out that it’s the feast day of Our Lady of Czestochowa thanks to the following reflection from the apostleship of prayer: Sadly they’re still trying to desecrate our Lady’s image in Poland. Recently on the feast of the assumption of the Blessed Virgin, there was a concert held by Madonna …
Catechism Quotes: Assumption
Some quotes about the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Catechism of the Catholic Church: 966 “Finally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen …
St. Cyril of Alexandria and the Mother of God
Today is the feast day of St. Cyril of Alexandria. This Egyptian saint is well known as one who fought against the Nestorian heresy. Nestorius said that we should not call mother Mary the Mother of God (Theotokos) but instead we should call her Mother of Christ (Christokos). He went on to say that that …
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
November 21 is the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Every Marian feast is as special as she is. Today we commemorate how our Lady was especially consecrated to God from an early age. At the Annunciation we learn that she had even consecrated her virginity… the Angel Gabriel tells Mary that she is to …
Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist
John the Baptist really inspires me. He stood for something. Like Elijah he blasted on the scene like a whirlwind, proclaiming the Kingdom of GOD. Anybody want change? How about repentance? St. John the Baptist preached it even to the point of losing his head.
Queenship of Mary!
Today is the Queen-ship of Our Blessed Mother. Eight years ago today was the last day of our family pilgrimage to Lourdes. Leading up to Lourdes, I was looking at a picture of Our Lady crowned as Queen. I understood with my heart and my mind that she was Mother and Advocate…but Queen? Is that …
‘Non-Ramblings’ About Islam, Life Experiences, Etc.
Recently I came across a very well written and balanced perspective on Islam. I would like to share it here because many people today have a misguided or misinformed way of looking at the Muslim religion and Muslims in light of current events— either with a tolerant indifference or an overly alarmist attitude. The Catholic …