Scriptural Arson Uncategorized Blazes

The life-changing walk

Easter Reflections on this past Sunday’ Readings at Mass: By Robert Zünd – joyfulheart ; upload Dezember 2008 ; upload by Adrian Michael, Public Domain, Link It was impossible for Christ to be held by death because Christ is life. How can life be held by death? The joke is on death, death thought it had the upper hand …

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Scriptural Arson

Suffering: endure your trials as discipline

For the past few days I haven’t been able to get around easily because my wheelchair controller is fried. All of a sudden it just wouldn’t turn on. The new controller has been ordered and the tech at the company hopes to install it before the weekend.  It is a little bit more than inconvenient …

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Scriptural Arson


Yesterday was the Feast of Presentation of Our Lord Jesus which is celebrated 40 days after his birth: And when the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every …

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Scriptural Arson

Epiphany: Nothing to Fear!

Take courage, be not afraid, it is I… This is what Jesus tells the terrified 12 as he walks across the face of the water.  Having control over the water having mastery over it are attributed to God. Jesus shows himself here, reveals himself as God. Earlier he had just multiplied the fish and the …

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Scriptural Arson


Some thoughts on Epiphany… The word epiphany means manifestation–a revelation or disclosure of information about someone. Yesterday was the Feast of the Epiphany. That of Jesus to the Magi, Wise men/Kings from the East. It’s the revelation of God-in-the-flesh to all the nations, to the Gentiles, represented by the Magi. The Magi were astronomers, believed …

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