To all of the veterans of the United States, thanks for all of your heroic sacrifices. St. Martin of Tours, pray for us and for all soldiers.
Category: Temporal Order: Politics, News & Social Justice
Essays, Nobel peace prizes, and Anglicans
It’s been a real long time since I actually posted more than one paragraph to this blog. I have been busy with my English 101 class. As some of you know, I am taking some undergraduate classes with a view towards a BA in Theology, God willing. Anyway, I have been brushing up on my …
Happy Father’s Day
Saint Paul writes in his letter to the Ephesians chapter 3:14-15: “…I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named…” That means that the earthly reality of fatherhood is a reflection of the fatherhood of God. “No one is father as God is Father” says the …
The intentional killing of an abortionist…
does not help to end the slaughter of innocent children. George Tiller an infamous late-term abortionist was killed at a church. Murdering someone cannot be justified. To think otherwise would be to endorse the pro-choice mentality—let’s resort to murder in order to solve a ‘problem’. Prayers for Tiller’s soul and family.
Earth Day
Earth Day Prudence – Post from NCR (‘R’ as in Register :))
Miss USA loses perishable crown but still wins
Standing up for truth makes her even more beautiful…
President Obama’s unfortunate diss.
Something i wanted to do with this blog was to give brief commentary on current events… But sometimes I want to say so much that one of two things usually happens: 1. I can’t even get a word because I think that my post should be essay length. 2. My post becomes an essay. I’m …
Some thoughts about the rich man and Lazarus…
The rich man was so preoccupied with himself that he probably didn’t even notice Lazarus was right there in front of him. It seems that he pretty much spent all his time on fancy clothes, rich food and nothing else. He eventually went to hell— not for being rich but for not doing anything, for …
Marriage is ordered to life
Today is the end of the novena to uphold Proposition 8 which upholds the dignity of marriage between a man and a woman in the state of California. No updates yet. I didn’t post articles throughout the novena as i said i would because 1. I just didn’t have time to post them. 2. the …
Love Isn’t Enough: 5 Reasons Why Same-Sex Marriage Will Harm Children
Novena day 2. I have always known that allowing “same-sex couples” to adopt is doing a grave injustice to children but here is a very good article that explains why: Love Isn’t Enough: 5 Reasons Why Same-Sex Marriage Will Harm Children