Something about Mary

The Mother of God births us into Christ

The very greatest theologian of the Incarnation, of God made flesh, was not St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, nor St. Anthony, nor was it even St. Athanasius, who wrote masterfully on the Incarnation. It was not St. Irenaeus, nor was it St. John the Apostle, who gave us the Gospel and Epistles of Love incarnate. …

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Uncategorized Blazes

A few words on the prayer of the Rosary

Happy feast day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary! The rosary is a powerful and effective prayer. It is a perfect way to fulfill the Lord’s instruction to pray without ceasing, to constantly “ask, seek, and knock on the door,” in order to “receive, find, and have the door opened up to you.” Jesus …

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