The all-consuming power of God’s grace to transform a person and give them a totally new vision is exemplified in the ilfe of St. Paul. He went from being a zealous persecutor who breathed out murderous threats against Christians and delivered on them, to a zealous apostle of Christ who practically evangelized the entire Mediterranean …
Tag: grace
The Mother of God births us into Christ
The very greatest theologian of the Incarnation, of God made flesh, was not St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, nor St. Anthony, nor was it even St. Athanasius, who wrote masterfully on the Incarnation. It was not St. Irenaeus, nor was it St. John the Apostle, who gave us the Gospel and Epistles of Love incarnate. …
St. Stephen, martyrdom, and witnessing through suffering
It is the feast day of St. Stephen, the first martyr of the Church. St. Stephen gives the example of leaving the new life of Christ which we receive at Christmas. With the coming of our blessed Lord, we have the gift and ability of entering into divine life in and through he who has …
A few words on the prayer of the Rosary
Happy feast day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary! The rosary is a powerful and effective prayer. It is a perfect way to fulfill the Lord’s instruction to pray without ceasing, to constantly “ask, seek, and knock on the door,” in order to “receive, find, and have the door opened up to you.” Jesus …
Praying with St. Monica, with Mother Mary, for the conversion of the world.
St. Monica was truly devoted to her son Augustine. She prayed much for his well-being, his spiritual well-being especially, as this is much more important than physical well-being. She shed many tears for him. The son of her tears certainly couldn’t be lost, as the Bishop simplistic consoled her. She who gave her son physical …