Today, eight days after the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the Queenship of Mary. She is not a Queen in the cold sense of some kind of distant monarch who governs her subjects in a strictly authoritative sense. No, she is Queen Mother, one to whom you really want to …
Tag: Jesus
Our Lady of the Angels, Portiuncula
I always look forward to August 2: it is the Franciscan Feast Day of Our Lady of the Angels. The church of Our Lady of Angels, in Assisi Italy, was a favorite place of St. Francis to pray and to be in the presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He found comfort and solace there …
Thoughts on The Chosen, Episode 3: “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” Season 1
The other evening, I invited a young cousin to watch an episode of The Chosen. Typically, I always recommend watching Episode 3 and/or 4 of Season 1 to those who haven’t watched the show yet. It’s not that Episodes 1 and 2 aren’t worth watching—- they definitely are, and I even wrote something about them, …