It’s not at all surprising for people to be afraid of ghosts. There is something frightening and disturbing about disembodied souls going around. The body and the soul were never meant to be separated. It is unnatural, death is unnatural. Death is not a good thing. That’s why it doesn’t make sense to celebrate death …
Tag: life
Death swallowed up in Victory
Death has lost its power…We may still experience death but we know that we will rise and be glorified in, through, because of, and with, him who conquered it. I can’t say it better than my man St. Ephrem the Syrian: ”Death slew [the Lord Jesus] by means of the body which he had assumed, …
On Baseball and the Value of Learning New Things.
Over the past week, thanks to the Washington Nationals playing in the World Series, I’ve learned more about baseball than I’ve ever known before. I never thought I could actually enjoy watching baseball but here I am. (Of course there is something else to be said about being at a game at a ballpark… It’s …