Today’s Readings. Jesus saw Matthew sitting there at the customs post. He noticed him and took and interest in him. Jesus sees us. He notices us. He takes interest in us. He looks at us and beckons us: “Follow me.” Jesus is the good physician, the best of all healers. To all those acknowledge their …
Tag: mercy
Meeting Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos
I was first introduced to today’s Saint, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, in 2005. That winter, I was hospitalized for chronic lung failure, a result of Duchenne muscular dystrophy for which I required a tracheostomy and ventilator. It was a rough time for me for sure. Thankfully, my family and good friends came to visit me …
St. Mother Teresa’s 1,2 Secret to love Jesus to the Max
By her life, St. Mother Teresa witnessed to the five-finger-gospel: “you did it to me.” She practiced the corporal works of mercy listed in the gospel according to Matthew chapter 25, which she summarized on the palm of her hand as the gospel on five fingers. (She also practiced the spiritual works of mercy as …