My sister claims that she “mooched” off of my conversion experience; she says that she benefited from the graces that I received as if they were her own. This is true: she did gain from my experience and I thank God for it. But at the same time I also believe to have gained from …
Tag: prayer
A few words on the prayer of the Rosary
Happy feast day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary! The rosary is a powerful and effective prayer. It is a perfect way to fulfill the Lord’s instruction to pray without ceasing, to constantly “ask, seek, and knock on the door,” in order to “receive, find, and have the door opened up to you.” Jesus …
St. Mother Teresa’s 1,2 Secret to love Jesus to the Max
By her life, St. Mother Teresa witnessed to the five-finger-gospel: “you did it to me.” She practiced the corporal works of mercy listed in the gospel according to Matthew chapter 25, which she summarized on the palm of her hand as the gospel on five fingers. (She also practiced the spiritual works of mercy as …
Praying with St. Monica, with Mother Mary, for the conversion of the world.
St. Monica was truly devoted to her son Augustine. She prayed much for his well-being, his spiritual well-being especially, as this is much more important than physical well-being. She shed many tears for him. The son of her tears certainly couldn’t be lost, as the Bishop simplistic consoled her. She who gave her son physical …
St. Thomas Aquinas: to Know in Order to Love
St. Thomas Aquinas shows us what it is to love God with all of your mind, as well as all of your body, and strength, and soul. Before he was a theologian and scholar of Scripture, before he was a philosopher, St. Thomas was a mystic who strove to love God as much as it …