“To run from the cross is to run from Jesus.” I once heard these words stressing the importance of the cross and our call to participate in it. Basically, this is a call to accept whatever difficulties, inconveniences, sicknesses, and setbacks that come our way. In today’s Gospel reading we read how Jesus calls Peter …
Tag: the cross
The Passion of Christ and St. Paul of the Cross
“Passion of Christ, strengthen me.” That’s one of the lines from the prayer Anima Christi (Soul of Christ). I have been repeating these words from time to time. The passion of Christ is strength, it is power, it is victory. Christ waged war on the enemy of souls and conquered him – – it was …
Our Lady of Sorrows: Our Mother of Suffering
Today we honor the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title, Our Lady of Sorrows. I am particularly drawn to her under this title which is essentially the same as calling her Our Lady of Suffering. What Jesus suffered in his body, Mary suffered in her heart and soul. She suffered so intensely because she loved …
Praying with St. Monica, with Mother Mary, for the conversion of the world.
St. Monica was truly devoted to her son Augustine. She prayed much for his well-being, his spiritual well-being especially, as this is much more important than physical well-being. She shed many tears for him. The son of her tears certainly couldn’t be lost, as the Bishop simplistic consoled her. She who gave her son physical …
Thoughts from the Grotto
The Grotto. I woke up this morning with Lourdes on my mind. My thoughts went straight to the Grotto where the Blessed Virgin Mary transformed a poor cave into a place of heavenly sweetness. She came down into the life of St. Bernadette which was beset with all kinds of difficulties and trials. Mary is …
And she said yes.
We have just witnessed how Our Lord Jesus Christ became obedient even unto death on a cross. By his obedience and love for the Father, Jesus reverses the disobedience of Adam by entering into combat with the serpent. It was the will of the Father that allowed Jesus to undergo bodily death in order to …
Death swallowed up in Victory
Death has lost its power…We may still experience death but we know that we will rise and be glorified in, through, because of, and with, him who conquered it. I can’t say it better than my man St. Ephrem the Syrian: ”Death slew [the Lord Jesus] by means of the body which he had assumed, …